How do Lube Switches without Desoldering?

Are you tired of the stiff, unresponsive feel of your mechanical keyboard switches? Lubricating your switches can be a great way to enhance their performance and improve your typing experience.

But what if you don’t want to go through the hassle of desoldering each switch just to add some lubricant? Fortunately, there is a way to lube switches without desoldering.

In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process of how to lube switches without desoldering. We’ll discuss the tools and materials you’ll need, as well as some important considerations to keep in mind before you start.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned keyboard enthusiast, this guide will help you achieve a smoother and more satisfying typing experience with your mechanical keyboard.

Quick Solution:

To lube switches without desoldering, follow these quick steps:

  1. Remove the keycaps: Use a keycap puller or your fingers to carefully remove the keycaps from the keyboard.
  2. Access the switches: Depending on the keyboard, you may be able to access the switches directly or through a plate. If there’s a plate, you may need to remove it using a screwdriver or by carefully prying it off.
  3. Apply lubricant: Use a thin, even coat of switch lubricant (such as silicone or PTFE grease) to the top and bottom of the switch housing, where the stem slides in and out. Be sure not to over-apply, as too much lubricant can affect switch performance.
  4. Actuate switches: Press each switch multiple times to spread the lubricant evenly and help it penetrate the switch housing.
  5. Clean up: Wipe away any excess lubricant with a lint-free cloth or cotton swab.
  6. Reassemble: Once the lubricant has been applied and excess wiped away, reassemble the keyboard by putting the plate (if applicable) and keycaps back in place.
  7. Test: Press each key to ensure smooth and consistent switch performance. If needed, repeat the process on any switches that may require additional lubrication.

Please note that lubing switches without desoldering can be more challenging and may not be as effective as desoldering and fully disassembling the switches. If you’re not confident in your abilities, it’s recommended to seek assistance from an experienced keyboard modder or professional.

So, let’s dive in and learn how to lube your switches like a pro!

What Is Desoldering?

Desoldering is the process of removing the solder that holds electronic components, such as mechanical keyboard switches, in place on a printed circuit board (PCB). When it comes to mechanical keyboard switches, desoldering is typically required in order to access the switch and apply lubricant.

During desoldering, a tool called a desoldering pump or a desoldering wick is used to heat the solder and remove it from the pins of the switch. Once the switch is free from the PCB, lubricant can be applied to the stem and other moving parts of the switch to improve its performance and feel.

While desoldering can be an effective way to lubricate switches, it can also be time-consuming and requires specialized tools and skills. Fortunately, there are methods for lubricating switches without desoldering, which can be a more accessible option for many keyboard enthusiasts.

Why you should Lube Keyboard switches?

Can you Lube Mechanical keyboard Switches without Desoldering?

How do Lube Switches without Desoldering?

Yes, it is possible to lubricate mechanical keyboard switches without desoldering. While desoldering is a common method for accessing the switch and applying lubricant directly to the stem, there are other methods that can be used to achieve a similar effect.

One method for lubricating switches without desoldering involves using a thin applicator, such as a brush or toothpick, to apply lubricant to the stem of the switch while it is still in place on the PCB. This can be a tedious process, as each switch must be individually lubricated, but it can be effective in improving the feel and performance of the switches.

Another method involves using a lubricant that can be applied without direct contact with the switch. For example, a thin lubricant such as Krytox GPL 205 can be applied to the top of the switch housing, which will allow it to seep down into the switch and provide lubrication to the stem and other moving parts. This method can be less precise than direct application to the stem, but it can be quicker and easier to apply.

Types of Keyboard Full Guide

What are The Advantages of Lube Mechanical keyboard Switches?

Lubricating your keyboard switches can provide a number of benefits, including:

  • Smoother keypresses: Lubrication can make the switches smoother and more consistent, reducing any “scratchiness” or unevenness in the keypress.
  • Improved feel and sound: Lubricating your switches can help reduce friction and make them feel smoother and more responsive to your keystrokes. This can lead to a more comfortable and enjoyable typing experience, especially for users who type for long periods of time.
    In addition, lubricated switches can produce a more pleasant and muted sound, which can be a desirable feature for those who want to reduce the noise level of their keyboard.
  • Increased durability: Over time, mechanical switches can develop wear and tear that can lead to a reduction in performance and lifespan. Lubricating your switches can help reduce friction and wear, which can extend their durability and longevity.
    This can be particularly beneficial for enthusiasts who want to preserve their keyboards and keep them functioning optimally for as long as possible.
  • Personalization: Keyboard enthusiasts often view their keyboards as a form of self-expression and take pride in customizing them to their liking. Lubricating your switches can be one way to customize the feel and performance of your keyboard to your exact preferences.
    With a variety of different lubricants and application methods available, you can experiment with different combinations to find the perfect feel and sound for your typing needs.
  • Quieter operation: Lubricated switches tend to make less noise when pressed, as the lubricant helps to dampen any rattling or clattering sounds.
  • Enhanced typing experience: By making your switches smoother and more consistent, lubrication can make typing feel more comfortable and satisfying.

It’s important to note that not all switches require lubrication, and improper lubrication can actually cause more harm than good. If you’re not experienced with keyboard maintenance, it’s a good idea to do some research or consult with an expert before attempting to lubricate your switches.

How can we remove lube from keyboard switches?

How do Lube Switches without Desoldering? Ultimate guide

Lubricating mechanical keyboard switches without desoldering can be a bit more challenging than desoldering and lubricating, but it is still a viable option. Follow these steps to learn how to lube your keyboard switches without desoldering:

Step 1: Gather Materials

Step 1 Gather Materials

You will need the following materials:

  • Lubricant of your choice (such as Krytox GPL 205)
  • Thin applicator (such as a brush or toothpick)
  • Tweezers or pliers
  • Isopropyl alcohol and a microfiber cloth (optional, for cleaning)

Step 2: Remove Keycaps

Step 2 Remove Keycaps

Before you start, remove the keycaps from your keyboard. This will make it easier to access the switches.

Step 3: Apply Lubricant to Stems

Step 3 Apply Lubricant to Stems

Using your thin applicator, carefully apply a small amount of lubricant to the stem of each switch. Be careful not to apply too much, as excess lubricant can cause the switch to feel mushy or unresponsive.

Step 4: Work Lubricant into Switches

Step 4 Work Lubricant into Switches

Using your tweezers or pliers, work the lubricant into each switch by pressing and releasing the switch several times. This will help distribute the lubricant and ensure that it is evenly applied to the moving parts of the switch.

Step 5: Reinstall Keycaps

Step 5 Reinstall Keycaps

Once you have lubricated all of the switches, reinstall the keycaps.

Step 6: Test Switches

Step 6 Test Switches

Test each switch to make sure that it is functioning properly and feels smoother and more responsive than before. If you notice any issues, such as switches that feel too mushy or unresponsive, you may need to adjust the amount of lubricant or experiment with a different lubricant or application method.

Optional Step 7: Clean Keyboard

If you have any excess lubricant or dirt on your keyboard, you can use isopropyl alcohol and a microfiber cloth to clean it up.

That’s it! With these steps, you can successfully lubricate your mechanical keyboard switches without the need for desoldering. While this process can be time-consuming, it can be a great way to improve the feel and performance of your keyboard without requiring specialized tools or skills.

It’s important to note that when lubricating switches without desoldering, it’s important to avoid getting lubricant on the PCB or other electronic components, as this can cause damage.

And also, it’s important to choose a lubricant that is compatible with your switches and will not cause damage or affect their performance over time.

Here is a video guide don’t forget to watch!

How long does Lube last on a Mechanical keyboard?

How Do You Spray Lube a Mechanical Keyboard?

How Do You Spray Lube a Mechanical Keyboard

Spraying lube on a mechanical keyboard can help improve its overall performance and feel. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Gather Supplies

You will need a few supplies to complete this task, including:

  • Mechanical keyboard
  • Lubricant spray (such as Krytox or Tribosys)
  • A plastic bag or large cloth
  • A keycap puller
  • A small brush (optional)

Step 2: Remove Keycaps

Use the keycap puller to remove all the keycaps from your keyboard. This will expose the switches underneath.

Step 3: Cover the Keyboard

To prevent the lubricant from getting on the key switches, cover the keyboard with a plastic bag or large cloth. This will also make cleaning up any excess lubricant easier.

Step 4: Spray the Lubricant

Hold the lubricant spray about 6-8 inches away from the switches and spray a small amount on each switch. Be careful not to overspray, as this can cause the lubricant to seep into areas where it shouldn’t.

Step 5: Spread the Lubricant

Once you’ve sprayed all the switches, use a small brush or your finger to spread the lubricant evenly over the switch stems. This will ensure that the lubricant gets into all the necessary areas.

Step 6: Replace the Keycaps

Once you’ve lubricated all the switches, replace the keycaps on the keyboard. Make sure that each keycap is securely in place.

Step 7: Test the Keyboard

Test out your keyboard to see if you notice any improvements in performance or feel. If necessary, you can repeat the lubrication process until you achieve the desired results.

And You done it! Following these steps will help you spray lube your mechanical keyboard and improve its overall performance and feel.

Don’t forget to watch Video Gudie too for a better understanding.

Is It Necessary to Lube Your Switches?

Lubricating switches in a mechanical keyboard is not necessary, but it can help improve the overall performance and feel of the keyboard.

The primary benefit of lubricating switches is that it can reduce friction between the moving parts of the switch, which can result in a smoother and more consistent feel when typing.

It can also reduce the noise level of the keyboard, which can be beneficial for those who work in a shared workspace or who prefer a quieter typing experience.

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How Often Should You Lube Your Switches?

Lubricating your switches too frequently can cause them to become overly mushy or unresponsive. For this reason, most enthusiasts recommend lubricating your switches no more than once every six months, or even once a year if you use your keyboard less frequently.

If you notice that your switches are starting to feel scratchy or less smooth than they used to, it may be a good idea to consider lubricating them. This can help restore their original feel and improve their durability.

Some enthusiasts prefer to lubricate their switches only when they first purchase their keyboard or when they install new switches. This can be a good way to ensure that your switches are properly lubricated from the start and reduce the need for additional maintenance later on.


lubricating your mechanical keyboard switches without desoldering can be a bit more challenging than desoldering and lubricating, but it is a great option for those who don’t have access to a soldering iron or don’t want to risk damaging their keyboard.

With the right tools and techniques, you can successfully lubricate your switches and improve the feel and performance of your keyboard.

Remember to start by gathering all the necessary materials, including your lubricant of choice, a thin applicator, tweezers or pliers, and isopropyl alcohol and a microfiber cloth (if desired for cleaning).

Then, carefully apply a small amount of lubricant to each switch stem and work it in by pressing and releasing the switch several times. Once you’ve lubricated all the switches, reinstall the keycaps and test each switch to make sure it’s functioning properly.


Is it necessary to clean my keyboard before lubing the switches?

It is recommended to clean your keyboard before lubing your switches to ensure that there is no dirt or debris that may affect the application or performance of the lubricant. You can use isopropyl alcohol and a microfiber cloth to gently clean the keyboard.

What type of lubricant should I use to lube my switches without desoldering?

There are several types of lubricants that are suitable for mechanical keyboard switches, including oils, greases, and sprays. Some popular options include Krytox GPL 205, Tribosys 3204, and Super Lube.

Can I use any applicator to apply lubricant to the switches?

It is recommended to use a thin applicator such as a brush, syringe, or dental pick to apply lubricant to the switch stems. This can help ensure that you apply the lubricant evenly and avoid getting it on other parts of the keyboard.

Can I remove and reapply keycaps multiple times without damaging them?

While keycaps are designed to be removed and reinstalled, excessive removal and reinstallation can cause them to become loose or damaged over time. It is generally best to avoid removing keycaps unless necessary and to be gentle when reinstalling them.

Is it safe to lube my switches without desoldering?

As long as you take the proper precautions and follow the correct techniques, lubing your switches without desoldering is generally safe and can help improve the feel and performance of your keyboard. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and to proceed with caution.

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