5 Mistakes To Avoid While Lubing Keyboard Switches

Here today I am talking about Mistakes To Avoid While Lubing Keyboard Switches. Taking care of your keyboard is essential for optimal performance and durability.

One popular maintenance technique is lubing keyboard switches, which involves applying lubricant to the switches to improve their smoothness and extend their lifespan.

However, there are common mistakes that people often make during this process that can negatively impact the outcome.

In this blog post, we will discuss the top mistakes to avoid when lubing your keyboard switches to ensure a successful result.

Quick answer!

  1. Using too much lubricant, which can cause the switches to become sluggish or unresponsive.
  2. Applying lubricant to dirty or dusty switches, which can result in poor performance.
  3. Not evenly distributing the lubricant, leading to an uneven keystroke feel across the keyboard.
  4. Using the wrong type of lubricant, as some lubricants can damage the plastic or metal components of the switches.
  5. Rushing the lubing process, which can result in inconsistent results and potential damage to the switches.
Mistakes To Avoid While Lubing Keyboard Switches

Mistakes to Avoid while Lubing Keyboard Switches?

Now I have explained all the Major mistakes that you should avoid while lubing keyboard switches. Let’s Start!

Mistake #1: Over-lubing

Don't Over lube keyboard Switches

Applying too much lubricant can have adverse effects on your keyboard switches. It can result in decreased switch responsiveness, a mushy feeling when typing, and an increased likelihood of switch malfunction.

To avoid over-lubing, use small amounts of lubricant and apply it evenly across the switch housing. It’s also important to wipe off any excess lubricant to prevent it from pooling or dripping, which can cause issues.

Mistake #2: Using the Wrong Type of Lubricant

Don't use Wrong types of Lube for Mechanical keyboard

Not all lubricants are suitable for keyboard switches, and using the wrong type can cause problems. It’s crucial to choose the right viscosity, consistency, and materials for your lubricant.

For keyboard switches, PTFE-based (Polytetrafluoroethylene) lubricants or silicone-based lubricants specifically formulated for keyboards are commonly used.

These lubricants provide the right properties for smooth operation without causing damage to the switches.

Mistake #3: Lubing Without Proper Cleaning

Before applying lubricant, it’s crucial to thoroughly clean your keyboard switches to remove dirt, debris, and old lubricant. Lubing dirty switches can trap debris, reduce the effectiveness of the lubricant, and lead to poor performance.

To clean your switches properly, use compressed air or isopropyl alcohol to remove any dirt or debris. Be thorough in your cleaning to ensure a clean surface for lubrication.

Mistake #4: Rushing the Lubing Process

Patience and precision are essential when lubing keyboard switches. Rushing the process can result in uneven distribution of the lubricant, missed spots, and mistakes.

To avoid rushing, take your time and follow tutorials or guides carefully. If you’re new to lubing, practice on spare switches first to gain experience and confidence. Remember that a rushed lubing job may not yield the desired smoothness and performance.

Mistake #5: Not Testing and Tweaking

Switches lube

After lubing your switches, it’s important to test and tweak the results to ensure optimal performance. Skipping this step can lead to switches that feel different or unsatisfactory.

To test and tweak, do typing tests on your lubed switches, compare the results with your previous typing experience, and make adjustments as needed.

This may involve adding or removing lubricant, redistributing it, or trying different techniques to achieve the desired feel and performance.

Why should Lube Switches on a keyboard?

Is it worth lubing keyboard switches?

Yes, lubing keyboard switches can be worth it for those who are looking to improve the performance and lifespan of their mechanical keyboards.

Properly lubing keyboard switches can result in a smoother and quieter typing experience, reduce friction and wear on the switches, and potentially extend their lifespan.

Lubricating keyboard switches can help to reduce the scratchiness or stickiness that may occur over time due to dust, dirt, or wear. It can also improve the consistency of key presses and reduce the chance of switch malfunction.

And also, lubing can help to dampen the noise generated by the switches, making for a quieter typing experience, which can be especially beneficial in shared workspaces or for those who are sensitive to noise.

Is it safe to lube keyboard switches?            

Lubing keyboard switches can be safe if done properly, but it also comes with risks if not done correctly. It’s crucial to follow best practices and take precautions to avoid potential issues.

When lubing keyboard switches, it’s important to use the right type of lubricant, such as PTFE-based or silicone-based lubricants specifically formulated for keyboards. Using the wrong type of lubricant can cause damage to the switches or lead to poor performance.

Proper cleaning of the switches before applying lubricant is also essential. Dirt, debris, or old lubricant should be thoroughly removed using compressed air or isopropyl alcohol to ensure a clean surface for lubrication.

Failure to clean the switches properly can result in trapped debris, reduced effectiveness of the lubricant, and poor performance.

Applying the lubricant in the right amount and evenly distributing it across the switch housing is also crucial. Over-lubing can cause decreased switch responsiveness, a mushy feeling when typing, or switch malfunction. Wiping off any excess lubricant to prevent pooling or dripping is also important.

Taking your time and being patient during the lubing process is vital. Rushing can result in uneven distribution of the lubricant or missed spots, which can affect the performance of the switches. It’s important to follow tutorials or guides carefully and practice on spare switches if you’re new to lubing.

It’s also essential to test and tweak the results after lubing to ensure optimal performance. Adjustments may be needed, such as adding or removing lubricant or redistributing it, to achieve the desired feel and performance.

What are Low Profile Keyboards?

Is it OK not to lube switches?

Yes, it is perfectly okay not to lube keyboard switches. Lubing keyboard switches is not a necessary step for all mechanical keyboards, and many keyboards perform perfectly fine without any lubrication.

Mechanical keyboards are designed to function without the need for additional lubrication. The switches used in mechanical keyboards are typically pre-lubricated from the factory with a thin layer of lubricant to reduce friction and ensure smooth operation.

This pre-applied lubrication is usually sufficient for most users and provides a satisfactory typing experience.

Lubing keyboard switches is considered as an optional modification that can be done by keyboard enthusiasts who are seeking to fine-tune the performance and feel of their keyboards according to their personal preferences. It can be seen as a customization option rather than a necessity.

If you are happy with the performance of your mechanical keyboard as it is, or if you are not confident in your ability to properly lubricate the switches, it is perfectly fine to not lube them.

 As long as you keep your keyboard clean and free from dust and debris, and follow proper keyboard maintenance practices, your keyboard should continue to function well without the need for additional lubrication.

It’s important to note that lubing keyboard switches is not a risk-free process, and there is a potential for mistakes or damage if not done properly. If you are unsure or uncomfortable with the process, it’s best to avoid lubing the switches and enjoy your keyboard as it is.

What is WKL keyboard?

Does krytox 205g0 dry out?

In general, Krytox 205g0 is known for its long-lasting properties and is unlikely to dry out under normal usage conditions.

However, like any lubricant, it may eventually degrade over an extended period of time, and proper storage and usage practices can help to maximize its effectiveness.

Krytox 205g0 is a high-quality, premium-grade lubricant that is commonly used for lubricating mechanical keyboard switches. It is a thick, semi-solid lubricant that is known for its long-lasting properties and ability to reduce friction and wear on switches.

Krytox 205g0 is generally considered to be a stable lubricant that does not dry out easily under normal usage conditions.

It has excellent thermal stability and can withstand a wide range of temperatures without losing its lubricating properties.

It also has good chemical stability, meaning it does not break down or degrade easily when exposed to common keyboard switch materials or environmental factors.

Can I use Vaseline to lube switches?

Using Vaseline or petroleum-based lubricants on keyboard switches is generally not recommended. While Vaseline is a common household lubricant and can be used for various applications, it is not designed specifically for mechanical keyboards and may not provide optimal results.

Vaseline has a thick and sticky consistency, which may result in an overly greasy and viscous feel on keyboard switches. This can affect the smoothness and responsiveness of the switches, leading to a degraded typing experience.

And One of the major reason why you should not use it, is that Vaseline is not electrically conductive, which may affect the electrical contacts of the keyboard switches. This can potentially result in reduced switch functionality or even malfunction.

it’s generally recommended to use specialized lubricants specifically formulated for mechanical keyboards, such as PTFE-based or silicone-based lubricants.

How long does lube last?

Properly applied and high-quality lubricants can last for a significant period of time, often 8 months to 3 year or even longer, before reapplication may be needed.

How long lube of the Keyboard last?

The lifespan of lubricant on keyboard switches can vary depending on various factors, such as the type of lubricant used, the amount of lubricant applied, the environmental conditions, and the frequency and intensity of keyboard usage.


Avoiding these common mistakes can help you achieve a successful outcome when lubing your keyboard switches.

Over-lubing, using the wrong type of lubricant, lubing without proper cleaning, rushing the process, and not testing and tweaking can all lead to subpar results.

By following best practices and being patient and precise, you can effectively lubricate your keyboard switches for smoother operation and improved durability.

Remember to do thorough research and consult reliable sources for accurate information on lubing keyboard switches to ensure the best results for your keyboard maintenance routine.

Happy Reading! Don’t forget to Share it.


What are some common mistakes to avoid while lubing keyboard switches?

Some common mistakes to avoid while lubing keyboard switches include using too much or too little lubricant, applying lubricant unevenly, not cleaning the switches properly before lubing, and not reassembling the keyboard correctly after lubing.

How much lubricant should I use while lubing keyboard switches?

It is recommended to use a thin layer of lubricant, applying a small amount to each switch. Using too much lubricant can cause the switch to feel mushy or sluggish, while using too little may not provide enough lubrication for smooth key presses.

How do I apply lubricant evenly on keyboard switches?

To apply lubricant evenly on keyboard switches, you can use a small brush or applicator to spread a thin layer of lubricant on the sliders and other moving parts of the switch. Make sure to avoid over-applying or dripping lubricant, as it can affect the performance of the switch.

Should I clean the switches before lubing them?

Yes, it is important to clean the switches before lubing them. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate on the switches over time, affecting their performance. Use a keyboard switch cleaner or compressed air to remove any dirt or debris before applying lubricant.

How should I reassemble the keyboard after lubing the switches?

After lubing the switches, it is crucial to reassemble the keyboard correctly. Make sure to put all the components back in their proper places, including the switch housings, keycaps, and stabilizers. Double-check the alignment and make sure everything is properly seated to avoid any issues with key presses or stability.

Can I use any type of lubricant for lubing keyboard switches?

It is recommended to use lubricants that are specifically designed for mechanical keyboard switches. Avoid using silicone-based or petroleum-based lubricants, as they can attract dust and debris over time, causing the switches to become sticky or sluggish.

Instead, use a high-quality, thin, and non-conductive lubricant specifically formulated for keyboard switches.

What are the benefits of lubing keyboard switches?

Lubing keyboard switches can provide several benefits, including smoother and quieter key presses, reduced friction between switch parts, improved switch longevity, and enhanced typing experience. Properly lubed switches can also help reduce finger fatigue during long typing sessions.

Can I lube my keyboard switches if they are still under warranty?

Lubing your keyboard switches may void the warranty, as it involves disassembling the keyboard and applying aftermarket modifications.

It is important to check the warranty terms and conditions of your keyboard before attempting to lube the switches. If your keyboard is still under warranty, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer or authorized service center for any maintenance or repairs.

Is lubing keyboard switches a difficult process?

Not so much, Lubing keyboard switches can require some technical skills and knowledge about mechanical keyboards. It involves disassembling the keyboard, applying lubricant, and reassembling the keyboard correctly.

If you are not familiar with the process or do not feel confident in your abilities, it is recommended to seek help from experienced keyboard enthusiasts or professional keyboard modders.

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